
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Escalante Community Garden Reading List

There are tons of books about community gardening/organic gardening, but we think these are some of the best... Happy Reading!
  • Brooklyn Botanic Garden All-Region Guides Community Gardening, Ellen Kirby and Elizabeth Peters, Editors
  • Burpee Complete Gardener: A Comprehensive, Up-To-Date, Fully Illustrated Reference For Gardeners At all Levels, Allan Armitage, Maureen Heffernan, Chela Kleiber, Holly H. Shimizu
  • City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America, Laura J. Lawson
  • Civic Agriculture: Reconnecting Farm, Food and Community, Thomas A. Lyson
  • Closing the Food Gap: Resetting the Table in the Land of Plenty, Mark Winne
  • Community Nutrition, Nweze Nnakwe
  • Grace from the Garden: Changing the World One Garden at a Time, Debra Landwehr Engle
  • Greening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning from Seattle’s Urban Community Gardens, Jeffrey Hou, Julie M. Johnson and Laura J. Lawson

  • Growing a Garden City: How Farmers, First Graders, Counselors, Troubled Teens, Foodies, a Homeless Shelter Chef, Single Mothers and More are Transforming Themselves and their Neighborhoods through the Intersection of Local Agriculture and Community-and How You Can Too, Jeremy N. Smith


    1. Thanks for the info on some great books for community/organic gardening. I live in NY and am on a waiting list for a community garden, and in the mean time I am going to start a small raised bed garden in my yard. Any of these guides particularly stand out, especially in terms of urban gardening?

      Love the blog and look forward to watching it grow (no pun intended)!

    2. Hey Kayla,

      Thanks for the comment, and we're glad to hear you love the blog! And congrats on starting a raised bed garden while you wait for a CG plot. We would recommend the book square foot gardening for your situation... It's an excellent resource for smaller gardens in urban settings.

      Good luck with your garden! Keep us posted :)

      -The ECG
