
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Community Cooking Classes are back!

These classes are open to any experience level. All that is needed is the willingness to learn and share your experiences with others. Although there will be one formal "teacher" these classes are intended to be a community experience where community members can share their knowledge and discuss their challenges.

The first course will focus on basic cooking skills and maintaining a food budget. The course will meet every Monday for a month and will repeat monthly. The first class will be on October 17th and will continue every Monday until November 7th. The courses will be at the Escalante Senior Center Kitchen. You need to RSVP with Neal Wepking at (480)350-5830 or


  1. I'm in. I can teach how to make easy awesome no-knead bread.

  2. I will be interested when we get back in December.

    Jon: Let me know when you are teaching how to make bread
