
Monday, August 20, 2012

Dave Tally Is Doing So Well!!!!!!!

Dave Tally, everyone's favorite Community Garden Coordinator was involved in a motocycle accident on Thursday, August 16, 2012.  Dave was compensating on a bad curve and only he and his bike were involved.  Being somewhat of a fanatic about safety, Dave was outfitted in helmet, gloves and protective outer wear.  These precautions probably saved his life and he suffered no road rash.  Our Dave definitely has a higher power watching over him; thank you!

The injuries he did sustain are a total of fractured ribs, badly bruised lungs and a broken collar bone, which was operated on and repaired on Friday. Dave came through like the champ we all know him to be.  I talked with his surgeon on Saturday and he told me Dave's only restriction not lying on that side for approximately six weeks.

Dave was put on a ventilator only to help the healing process by having the machine regulate his breathing so there wouldn't be additional pain. He is holding up well with the pain, the prodding, the pricking and the touching.

On Sunday his sedation was lowered in intervals to wean him off the ventilator.  As of this writing the doctor is still hopeful the tube can come out on Tuesday.

Dave's coloring and all his vitals are good.  I am his constant companion at the moment, but that will change as soon as he can talk and start giving orders verbally instead of my trying to read his fingers.  An example: Dave held up three fingers; three what I asked; he became somewhat agitated, holding up the three fingers again and sort of shaking them at me.  I looked again and the light went on----"W"?  The relief on his face was evident--he wanted water.  Dave gets his water through popsicle sponges he can suck on.  I, unfortunately, am weak to his requests and give him as much as he wants.  Sometimes the nurse comes and takes away my water cup and sponges; luckily Dave is asleep when this happens.

Now you know nearly all I know; his doctors and nursing staff are wonderful to both of us; his care is top-notch.

I have set up a special email account for any of you who want to let Dave know you are thinking of him:  I will print out the messages for him to read.

Thank all of you for your caring, kind thoughts and considerations,

Georgie for Dave Tally
August 20, 2012

PS  Dave is not idle in the least; he had laid out some ideas with me Thursday morning.  One of his main ideas is an article for his Master Gardener publication about Escalante Community Garden with pictures; he could have done an article on anything, but he chose ECG.  This publication appears online and will be seen and read  allover the US; nice coverage.  I am working on it so as soon as Dave is able he can critque it and we can get it out there.

1 comment:

  1. Dave looked great today! He was joking, and eating solid food. They expect to move him to a less intensive care floor tomorrow. He is progressing very nicely!
