
Friday, August 3, 2012

Memoirs of Baby Chick (Jesse22) as told to Dave Tally

I arrived at Escalante Community Garden two weeks after Easter. Dave, my new dad named me Jesse 22 (really???), but everyone including Stephen Sparks, Dad's boss calls me Baby Chick. I was a baby and I certainly am a chick.
My first home was this wonderful box with all kinds of paper to keep me warm, a water station and a food station as well as a mirror so I could watch my beautiful self grow. When I got too big for the box, Dave Dad put me into a raised bed in the garden and it was huge for this little chick; I loved it. When I outgrew that I was allowed to run loose in the garden, but I never left the garden; I am also a smart chick.  For the nighttime, an isolation room was built into the chicken coop area for me to sleep.  I was isolated so the big chickens wouldn't pick on me.

Dave Dad hand raised me and I am his special chick.  He taught me tricks and I loved the attention these tricks got me. I became a great educational tool for the kids who came to the garden for classes. I was always gentle with them.
I am no longer a "baby" being now fourteen weeks old. Probably in another month or so I will be laying some fabulous eggs. I have put on my big girl feathers and hang with the other ladies now, but I don't take any guff from them; I can hold my own even if I am the youngest in the coop.  Don't you forget that Ms. Alpha White. I am Baby Chick, the center of my coop.

Of course I will always be Baby Chick or BC to family, friends and fans. My Dave Dad will always be special to me for the wonderful home he provided and the care he took of this little chick.

Please come visit me, Dave Dad and the other girls at the Escalante Community Garden. We love company and I promise we will strut our stuff for you and if Dave Dad lets me, I might even do a trick or two.
Dave Tally
August, 2012

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